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HeliumNet flavored variant of PostgreSQL images suitable for use with CloudNativePG and with some useful extensions compiled in.
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Tools / Git LFS S3 Caching Adapter
MIT LicenseStandalone custom transfer agent for Git LFS that caches LFS objects in a configurable S3 bucket.
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Helm Chart for running self-hosted Bitwarden inside a Kubernetes cluster.
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Core infrastructure repository for Bitwarden, builds the various Bitwarden components
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Nextcloud Docker image with SMB tools enabled.
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Toolbox utility image to use in combination with the Bitwarden Chart
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Custom builds of MetalLB with some HeliumNet specific additions.
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Build tools for building OCI container images
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Repository that contains scripts for automated Ubuntu base installations. Used on HeliumNet servers.
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Helper scripts for bootstrapping an base Ubuntu installation with ZFS root disks.
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Helm container for use in CI/CD to release & sign Helm Charts
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Repository collecting the individual Helm Charts repository as one repository. Includes scripts and snippets for building Helm charts.
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Container image containing the latest version of Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites (https://gohugo.io/).